Star-shaped glass candle holder, including candle Nisha, red

Glass holder in the shape of a star, including tealight. Presented in a glossy red gift box with transparent lid and ribbon.

Article No: 5836-08
Listprice: 1,44 €
Not Avaiable item
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No stock
Artical size :
1,9 × 7,8 × 7,8 cm
0.15 kg
Country of origin:
China (Prc)
Packing details / export
Normal box
Packing volume:
0.232 dm3
50 pcs
100 pcs
Carton weight:
15 kg
Carton size:
26 × 20,5 × 43,5 cm
Carton volume:
0.023 m3
Customs Code:
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